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MAX6870 データシートの表示(PDF) - Maxim Integrated

MAX6870 Datasheet PDF : 51 Pages
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EEPROM-Programmable Hex/Quad
Power-Supply Sequencers/Supervisors with ADC
Powering the MAX6870/MAX6871
The MAX6870/MAX6871 derive power from the positive
voltage-detector inputs: IN1, or IN3–IN6. A virtual diode-
ORing scheme selects the positive input that supplies
power to the device (see the Functional Diagram). IN1
must be at least +4V or one of IN3–IN6 (MAX6870)/
IN3/IN4 (MAX6871) must be at least +2.7V to ensure
device operation. An internal LDO regulates IN1 down
to +5.4V.
The highest input voltage on IN3–IN6 (MAX6870)/
IN3/IN4 (MAX6871) supplies power to the device, unless
VIN1 +6.5V, in which case IN1 supplies power to the
device. For +4V < VIN1 < +6.5V and one of VIN3 through
VIN6 > +2.7V, the input power source cannot be deter-
mined due to the dropout voltage of the LDO. Internal
hysteresis ensures that the supply input that initially pow-
ered the device continues to power the device when
multiple input voltages are within 50mV of each other.
ABP powers the analog circuitry; bypass ABP to GND
with a 1µF ceramic capacitor installed as close to the
device as possible. The internal supply voltage, mea-
sured at ABP, equals the maximum of IN3–IN6
(MAX6870)/IN3/IN4 (MAX6871) if VIN1 = 0, or equals
+5.4V when VIN1 > +6.5V. Do not use ABP to provide
power to external circuitry.
The MAX6870/MAX6871 also generate a digital supply
voltage (DBP) for the internal logic circuitry and the
EEPROM; bypass DBP to GND with a 1µF ceramic
capacitor installed as close to the device as possible.
The nominal DBP output voltage is +2.55V. Do not use
DBP to provide power to external circuitry.
The MAX6870/MAX6871 feature an internal 10-bit ADC
that monitors the voltage-detector inputs and auxiliary
inputs through an internal multiplexer that sequences
through all input voltages in 200ms. Registers 50h to
5Fh store the ADC data. Read the ADC data from the
MAX6870/MAX6871 with the serial interface. The ADC
strictly monitors input voltages and has no effect on
power-supply sequencing, reset detection, or the pro-
grammable outputs.
The MAX6870/MAX6871 contain multiple logic and volt-
age-detector inputs. Each voltage-detector input is
simultaneously monitored for primary and secondary
thresholds. The primary threshold must be an under-
voltage threshold. The secondary threshold may be an
undervoltage or overvoltage threshold. Table 1 summa-
rizes these various inputs.
Table 1. Programmable Features
High Voltage Input
Primary undervoltage threshold
Secondary overvoltage or undervoltage threshold
+2.5V to +13.2V threshold in 50mV increments
+1.25V to +7.625V threshold in 25mV increments
Bipolar Voltage Input
Primary undervoltage threshold
Secondary overvoltage or undervoltage threshold
±2.5V to ±15.25V threshold in 50mV increments
±1.25V to ±7.625V threshold in 25mV increments
Positive Voltage Input
IN3–IN6 (MAX6870)
IN3, IN4 (MAX6871)
Primary undervoltage threshold
Secondary overvoltage or undervoltage threshold
+1V to +5.5V threshold in 20mV increments
+0.5V to +3.05V threshold in 10mV increments
Active high or active low
Programmable Outputs Open-drain, weak pullup, or charge-pump output
PO1–PO4 (MAX6870), Weak pullup to IN3–IN6 (IN3 or IN4 for MAX6871) or ABP
PO1, PO2 (MAX6871) Dependent on MR, MARGIN, IN_, GPI1–GPI4 , WDI1 and WDI2, and/or PO_
Programmable timeout periods of 25µs, 1.5625ms, 6.25ms, 25ms, 50ms, 200ms, 400ms, or 1.6s
Active high or active low
Programmable Outputs Open-drain, weak pullup, or push-pull output
PO5–PO8 (MAX6870), Weak pullup to IN3–IN6 (IN3 or IN4 for MAX6871) or ABP
PO3, PO4, PO5
Push-pull to IN3–IN6 (IN3 or IN4 for MAX6871)
Dependent on MR, MARGIN, IN_, GPI1–GPI4 , WDI1 and WDI2 , and/or IN_
Programmable timeout periods of 25µs, 1.5625ms, 6.25ms, 25ms, 50ms, 200ms, 400ms, or 1.6s
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