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SST29SF010 データシートの表示(PDF) - Silicon Storage Technology

SST29SF010 Datasheet PDF : 24 Pages
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512 Kbit / 1 Mbit / 2 Mbit / 4 Mbit Small-Sector Flash
SST29SF512 / SST29SF010 / SST29SF020 / SST29SF040
SST29VF512 / SST29VF010 / SST29VF020 / SST29VF040
Preliminary Specifications
Software ID Entry4,5
Software ID Exit6
Software ID Exit6
1st Bus
Write Cycle
Addr1 Data
555H AAH
555H AAH
555H AAH
555H AAH
555H AAH
2nd Bus
Write Cycle
Addr1 Data
2AAH 55H
2AAH 55H
2AAH 55H
2AAH 55H
2AAH 55H
3rd Bus
Write Cycle
Addr1 Data
555H A0H
555H 80H
555H 80H
555H 90H
555H F0H
4th Bus
Write Cycle
Addr1 Data
BA2 Data
555H AAH
555H AAH
5th Bus
Write Cycle
Addr1 Data
2AAH 55H
2AAH 55H
1. Address format A14-A0 (Hex),
Address A15 can be VIL or VIH, but no other value, for the Command sequence for SST29SF/VF512.
Addresses A15 - A16 can be VIL or VIH, but no other value, for the Command sequence for SST29SF/VF010.
Addresses A15 - A17 can be VIL or VIH, but no other value, for the Command sequence for SST29SF/VF020.
Addresses A15 - A18 can be VIL or VIH, but no other value, for the Command sequence for SST29SF/VF040.
2. BA = Program Byte address
3. SAX for Sector-Erase; uses AMS-A7 address lines for SST29SF/VFxxx
AMS = Most significant address
AMS = A15 for SST29SF/VF512, A16 for SST29SF/VF010, A17 for SST29SF/VF020, and A18 for SST29SF/VF040
4. The device does not remain in Software Product ID Mode if powered down.
5. With AMS-A1 =0; SST Manufacturers ID= BFH, is read with A0 = 0,
SST29SF512 Device ID = 20H, is read with A0 = 1
SST29SF512 Device ID = 21H, is read with A0 = 1
SST29SF010 Device ID = 22H, is read with A0 = 1
SST29VF010 Device ID = 23H, is read with A0 = 1
SST29SF020 Device ID = 24H, is read with A0 = 1
SST29SF020 Device ID = 25H, is read with A0 = 1
SST29SF040 Device ID = 13H, is read with A0 = 1
SST29VF040 Device ID = 14H, is read with A0 = 1
6. Both Software ID Exit operations are equivalent
6th Bus
Write Cycle
Addr1 Data
SAX3 20H
555H 10H
T4.4 505
©2001 Silicon Storage Technology, Inc.
S71160-05-000 5/01 505

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